Wake County Young Democrats

January 11, 2008

Letter from the President

Filed under: democrats,NC BLogs,Political Groups,politics — wakeyd @ 5:58 pm

Good Morning Young Democrats,

I first like to thank each and every one of you for support during our club election cycle; I am pleased to be addressing you this morning as your 2008 Wake County Young Democrats president. For those who missed the meeting we were fortunate to have our guests Commissioner Lindy Brown, Judge Vince Rozier, former Executive Director of the DNC Everrett Ward, and U.S. Senatorial Candidate Jim Neal. I would like to personally thank them for taking the time to support our organization. But more importantly we went to work installing your 2008 executive board:

Terence Morrison         President

Jessica Gilbert              Vice President

Trey Whittenton            Treasurer

Emily Scott                   Secretary

Patrick Buffkin              Executive Board Member

Thomas Doyle              Executive Board Member

Jason Kessler               Fundraising Chair

Michael V. Stanley        Public Relations Chair

Steven Waters              Voter Registration & Education Chair

A special congratulation is in order for the new leadership! We have the following vacancies and special appointment positions available:

(3)        Executive Board Positions

(1)        Community Outreach Chair (By appointment)

(3)        Recruitment & Retention Committee

(2)        Fundraising Committee

If you are interested in coming on board with us email me at: president@wakeyd.org.

Our mini-retreat is scheduled for this Sunday January 13th 2008 at the flying saucer; we will begin promptly at 12:30 p.m.

Also as part of our membership consolidation effort I would ask that all current members or returning members send the following information to president@wakeyd.org:



Full Street Address:

Comments/Event Ideas:

Once again thank you for your support and on behalf of the Executive Board we look forward to serving as your 2008 leaders.

November 13, 2007

Debate Watching Party @ Player’s Retreat

Filed under: democrats,Political Groups,politics,Wake YD Events — wakeyd @ 9:40 pm

Debate Party! Democratic Debate in Las Vegas, NV on CNN

Come join Triangle for Obama and The Wake County Young Democrats for food

and the Democratic Debate this Thursday Novemeber 15th 2007!

Bring a friend! All guests invited:

For more information contact:

Paulette Hill


Thursday November 15th 2007

Time: 7:30pm Players Retreat

105 Oberlin Rd
Raleigh, NC 27605
(919) 755-9589

June 21, 2007

First Friday Social Hour

Filed under: Uncategorized — wakeyd @ 7:05 pm

2426 Hillsborough Street

When: Friday, July 6, 2007 6:30 pm

For more information please email, president@wakeyd.org

Voter Registration and Membership Drive

Filed under: Wake YD Events — wakeyd @ 7:04 pm

When? June 30, 2007
Where? Moore Square, Downtown Live, Raleigh
Time: 2-4, 4-6,6-8,and 8-10 p.m.
The Wake County Young Democrats are looking for interested individuals who want to sign up voters and hand out information about the Young Democrats. The shifts are listed above. Please contact Sam Evans, Vice President of Wake County Young Democrats by email at sevans6810@aol.com if interested or for more information.

Hope to see you on June 30!

June 20, 2007

Trivia Night A Big Success

Filed under: Wake YD Events — wakeyd @ 12:24 pm

On Tuesday, June 19 2007, over 20 Wake County Young Democrats and Young Democrats at Heart gathered at the Flying Saucer Raleigh to display their knowledge of history, science, literature, and random facts.  The evening of fun allowed members and friends the opportunity to talk politics, trade stories, and relaxation with lots of laughter.

The BIG NEWS of the evening was at the conclusion of the trivia contest.  We finished in second place, one point behind the eventual winning team.  The second place showing won the Wake YD’s recognition and a gift certificate.

 We will invade the Flying Saucer for trivia on Tuesday, July 17 at 6:00 p.m.  Mark your calendars and join us for this evening of fun.  We’re gunning for First Place in July!

June 19, 2007

Same Day Registration Bill Fuels Political Divide

Filed under: same day registration — wakeyd @ 3:48 pm

Why take voter bill off agenda?

Charlotte Observer


Sen. Dan Clodfelter thought it “rather odd” when he got an e-mail at 2:34 in the afternoon on June 5 from State Auditor Les Merritt asking him to take a bill off the agenda when the Senate convened in 26 minutes.The bill had originated in the House and passed more than two months earlier. It would have made it easier for N.C. residents with proper identification to register to vote and cast a ballot at one-stop voting sites. It’s another in a series of measures adopted over the years to make it easier to register and vote.

Senate leaders had first calendared the bill for June 5 but planned to bump it to the next day when Merritt’s request arrived. Merritt wrote: “My office has performed a Strategic Review of the State Board of Elections and has uncovered some sensitive information that is relevant to the issue of voter registration. Therefore, I ask that you consider removing HB 91 off of today’s calendar.”

This was news to Clodfelter and other Senate leaders who had worked on the bill in the Senate Select Committee on Election Laws and Government Reform with other state officials, including State Board of Elections director Gary Bartlett. Bartlett was on vacation with his family that week, and it was the first Clodfelter had heard of a strategic review of the board.

“We had no notice there was a strategic review,” he says. “It’s an odd coincidence that it pops up just the day before consideration of the bill.”

Bartlett thought it odd, too. He knew his staff had suggested a June 6 meeting to help the state auditor’s investigators understand data concerning registration statistics and other matters. Instead, the auditor’s staff presented its preliminary findings — presumably the ones Merritt called “sensitive” in his e-mail.

As the Observer’s David Ingram reported Friday, those findings have not been made public. But Bartlett found the auditor’s conclusions so off-base that he sent Merritt a strongly worded 10-page response and mailed copies to legislators and the governor. Among other things, Bartlett wrote, “we question the existence of the irregularities you purport to have identified because they appear to be tainted by either a misunderstanding of elections statutes or a misunderstanding of the state board’s data.”

What Bartlett wrote next has galvanized the attention of Democrats in the legislature. “I further believe your draft report would have been more accurate and complete if your office had accepted our offer to fully brief your staff on the controlling state and federal election laws and the data you were trying to review. This is a particular concern at this time when the national press is reporting serious issues about the politicization by the United States Department of Justice of the voter registration process. We do not want that kind of problem in our state or for the public to conclude there is such a problem.”

Bartlett is a Democrat. So are those who control the Senate and House. Merritt is a Republican. They’ve gotten along pretty well since Merritt was elected in 2004. Lawmakers may have expected a political ideologue, but Clodfelter says Merritt has worked cooperatively with the legislature on other matters.

Asking the legislature to postpone a bill on a matter of policy has made Senate leaders wonder if this represents something else. “Auditors have talked about certain fiscal things before, but not on a political matter,” says Senate Majority Leader Tony Rand, D-Cumberland. “This was about some pending legislation of public policy and was certainly unusual.”

The auditor’s office has briefed the Senate leadership, but Clodfelter wants to hear more evidence from the auditor than he’s heard so far. “I’d certainly expect him to have more than that if he’s going to accuse anyone of improprieties,” Clodfelter said.

Senate leaders have scheduled a hearing and requested that Merritt “present your findings and any supporting evidence to the full committee.” Les Merritt will never have a better opportunity to show what he’s got.


June 18, 2007


Filed under: democrats,politics,same day registration — wakeyd @ 7:28 pm



(SB 195)



What it will do:

In Person Registration/Same Day Registration would revolutionize the way young voters, especially women and minorities, participate in the civic/election process. Young Democrats of Wake County and North Carolina at large stand behind this bill 100%, please urge your NC Senate representation to do the same! It is time to engage and inspire a new generation of leaders and voters in the state of NC.

How does it work?

Voters will arrive at an early polling site in their county of residence, present documentation verifying their identity, and sign a sworn affidavit that they the information they provided is true. Then VOTE!

Who would be affected?

Eligible voters who are at least 18 years of age and a United States Citizen; this includes just about everyone!

Why is this Important to me?

There are 1 million unregistered voting age citizens in the state, which excludes most students who never change their registration to a North Carolina county. If you forget to register for elections before the 25 day cut off prior to elections you are effectively cut out of the voting process. Registrations can get lost in the mail or come back invalid, why take the chance with your vote? Democracy means one voice, one vote for everyone!

What Can I do???

FIRST sign the petition: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/SDR

THEN get on the phones, email and snail male and ask your North Carolina Senators to PASS SDR! Click this link to find out who represents you:


LASTLY get the word out to your friends, family, coworkers about on site registration, FORWARD this email to as many people in your contact list as possible!

Drafted By:

Terence Morrison on Behalf of:

Young Democrats of  Wake County

Join Us for Trivia, Tuesday Afterwork

Filed under: Uncategorized — wakeyd @ 12:28 am

TUE 6/19  6pm.  Wake Young Democrats Trivia Night.
Flying Saucer, 328 W. Morgan Street, Raleigh.
Please join the Young and Young-at Heart Democrats of Wake County as they display their knowledge to the rest of Wake County.  The Flying Saucer is working with us to reserve tables and give us publicity at our June Trivia Night gathering.  Please plan on attending and invite possible new members to join us.

For more information about the Wake County Young Democrats please email Jason Kessler at president@wakeyd.org

June 14, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — wakeyd @ 8:10 pm

Hello there and thank you for visiting the Wake County Young Democrats’ new blog site.  This blog will allow Wake YD’s to have discussions on current issues surrounding the Democratic Party, as well as, providing a new medium for the exchange of ideas, events, and information.

I hope you will join us in our blog discussions and frequently visit and post to the threads that come in the future.

Blog at WordPress.com.